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HYDROCORTISONE (hye droe KOR ti sone) reduces swelling, redness, itching, or rashes caused by skin conditions, such as eczema. It works by decreasing inflammation of the skin. It belongs to a group of medications called topical steroids.
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There is no additional information on this drug.
There is no additional information on this drug.
There is no additional information on this drug.
There is no additional information on this drug.
TAFENOQUINE (ta FEN oh kwin) prevents malaria. It works by killing the parasite that causes malaria. It will not treat colds, the flu, or infections caused by bacteria or viruses.
ALPHA-1-PROTEINASE INHIBITOR (AL fuh wuhn prow tee NAYS uhn HI buh tr) treats emphysema, a lung condition that causes shortness of breath. It works by replacing a protein (alpha-1-antitrypsin) when the body does not make enough. This helps to keep your lungs healthy.
NORETHINDRONE; ETHINYL ESTRADIOL (nor eth IN drone; ETH in il es tra DYE ole) prevents ovulation and pregnancy. It belongs to a group of medications called oral contraceptives. It is a combination of the hormones estrogen and progestin.
DARBEPOETIN ALFA (dar be POE e tin AL fa) treats low levels of red blood cells (anemia) caused by kidney disease or chemotherapy. It works by helping your body make more red blood cells, which reduces the need for blood transfusions.
LEFLUNOMIDE (le FLOO na mide) treats the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. It works by slowing down an overactive immune system. This decreases inflammation. It belongs to a group of medications called DMARDs.
TAZAROTENE (ta ZAR oh teen) treats acne. It belongs to a group of medications called retinoids.
RILONACEPT (ri LON a sept) treats inflammatory conditions, such as cryopyrin-associated perioidic syndromes (CAPS), deficiency of interluekin-1 receptor antagonist (DIRA), and pericarditis. It works by decreasing inflammation. This reduces symptoms.
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CAMPHOR; MENTHOL (KAM for; MEN thol) relieves minor pain in your muscles and joints. It works by making your skin feel warm or cool, which blocks pain signals going to the brain.
MINOCYCLINE (mi noe SYE kleen) treats a severe bacterial gum infection (periodontitis). It works by killing or preventing the growth of bacteria, which helps to reduce inflammation of your gums. It belongs to a group of medications called tetracycline antibiotics.
RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS VACCINE (reh SPIR uh tor ee sin SISH uhl VY rus vak SEEN) reduces the risk of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). It does not treat RSV. It is still possible to get RSV after receiving this vaccine, but the symptoms may be less severe or not last as long. It works by helping your immune system learn how to fight off a future infection.
ARFORMOTEROL (AR for MOE ter ol) treats chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It works by opening the airways of the lungs, making it easier to breathe. Do not use it to treat a sudden COPD flare-up.
ARGATROBAN (ar GA troh ban) prevents and treats blood clots. It belongs to a group of medications called blood thinners.
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