

Omega 3 And Depression

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Actually Improve Your Depression? What the Research Says

Depression isn’t a one-size-fits-all diagnosis. Rather, there are many different types of depression. Research shows a direct correlation between Omega 3 levels and mental health.

Emotional Animals

The Mental Health Benefits of Emotional Support Animals

There are many different ways to treat mental illness, and emotional support animals are a possible intervention. Learn more about the proven benefits of emotional support animals.


How a Gratitude Journal Can Support Your Mental Health

Almost 53 million people reported a mental illness in 2020. Keeping a gratitude journal has been scientifically proven to help improve your mood and overall mental health when done consistently.

News Overload

6 Tips to Cope with News Overload

Have you been suffering from news overload? Information overload can cause fatigue, anxiety, and problems with decision-making. Luckily, you can take these simple steps to control your exposure.

Seasonal Depression

Surprising Mental Health Disorders that Peak During the Spring

It is not uncommon for certain mental health disorders to peak during various parts of the year. For many, a change in seasons can cause a decline in their mental health and mood.

Anxious Child

Helping Your Child Manage Anxiety

If your child seems to struggle with excessive worry or has an anxiety disorder, it can be hard to help them remain calm, stay focused, and engage in day-to-day life.

Depression Meds

What to Know When Considering Medication for Anxiety and Depression

You may be considering a medication to help with your symptoms, but it can be daunting to take the first step. Learn more in our health news.

Realistic Goals

How to Set Realistic Resolutions After a Pandemic

With the start of a new year come new feelings of hope and encouragement. Consider the following when setting and working toward your 2021 resolutions to help increase your odds of success.

Holiday Grief

Grief During the Holidays

If you consider the impact 2020 has had on us, it is easy to see that grief may look and feel a bit different this holiday season. Grief has many causes, and many people may find it difficult to cope with their grief this holiday season.

Covid Depression

COVID-19 and Suicide Risk Factors

As we head into the holidays and COVID-19 rates steadily rise in many parts of the country, it’s important to be aware of suicide risk factors.


6 Signs That You Could Benefit from Talking to Someone

By Stacy Mosel, LMSW Talking to a counselor or therapist might not sound like your cup of tea, especially if you prefer to handle things on your own or you don’t like talking about or sharing your feelings. But everyone needs a compassionate ear sometimes. When things feel like they’re too much to handle, you […]


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