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By Benita M. Daniel, PharmD Candidate, Class of 2017
University of Arizona College of Pharmacy
February 14, 2017
The beginning of the New Year is often the time to set new goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. It’s an exciting time to start new resolutions that will help you succeed in the coming year. One of the most common New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight, stay healthy, and save money.
Fad diets are typically known for the potential to achieve rapid weight loss, even without the integration of any physical activity. However, it is important to keep in mind that these diets are harmful to the body since it usually restrict one’s nutritional intake. A healthy approach to losing weight is to include a well-balanced diet with physical activity.
Here are some of the examples of fad diets that were popular mainly in the year of 2016:
Military Diet Substitutes – This rigorous diet only allows the consumption of 13 specific food items such as peanut butter, grapefruit, eggs and bananas. It is commonly referred to as a crash diet.
Atkins 40 – This strict diet regimen focuses on a net carbohydrate intake of 40 grams per day. It’s a low carbohydrate diet with very little sugar intake and avoids all types of refined carbohydrates. It’s important to keep in mind that the recommended daily intake of carbohydrates is around 250 grams.
Mono Diet – This diet typically focuses on the consumption of a single food group. For instance, Taco diet, Pizza diet and Chicken Nugget diet.
Ketogenic Diet – This high fat diet calls for at least 70 percent of fat intake per day, in addition to less than 10 percent of carbohydrates and 20 percent of protein. This diet emphasizes on plant based beneficial fats, rather than the saturated animal fats such as cheese, cream and butter.
These diets might promise fast weight loss, however, it is significant to note that the consumption of a single food group or ingredient does not adequately provide all the nutrients that are essential for the body. It is vital to focus on well-proportioned diet that includes all food groups: protein, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and legumes with a moderate consumption of fats and oils. Additionally, it is important to remember that the long-term effect of fad diets can be dangerous to the body and cause potential complications.
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