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Medical Security Card Company, LLC
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ASPIRIN (AS pir in) lowers the risk of heart attack, stroke, or blood clots. It may also be used to treat mild to moderate pain, inflammation, and arthritis. It belongs to a group of medications called NSAIDs.
ASPIRIN (AS pir in) lowers the risk of heart attack, stroke, or blood clots. It may also be used to treat mild to moderate pain, inflammation, and arthritis. It belongs to a group of medications called NSAIDs.
This medicine may be used for other purposes; ask your health care provider or pharmacist if you have questions.
DISCLAIMER: This drug information content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Patients should always consult their physician with any questions regarding a medical condition and to obtain medical advice and treatment. Drug information is sourced from GSDD (Gold Standard Drug Database ) provided by Elsevier.